Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Graduation's a comin'

Just 4 weeks til I graduate from the University of Utah and Melissa from Westminster. It's coming fast. That's about all the news I can stand to write for now!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Catching Up!

The Utah BYU game was fun to watch. Utah spanked BYU 48 to 24. My friend Nate and I had a great time even though we were about as high up as you could get. I'm excited to watch Utah play in the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans against Alabama even though the odds are not in Utah's favor. Anything can happen though. It is college football after all. That's what's great about it. Here are some pictures from the game. The first is Nate and I, then the final scoreboard, and the fans who flooded the field almost at the end of the game.

My brother Ben and his wife Amy came to visit just before Thanksgiving and with them they brought their new baby Kevin. He is a cutie. We enjoyed spending time with them while they were here. Here are a couple of pictures of us with the baby as well as the proud parents and that's it for now. Have a very Merry Christmas everybody!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Utah vs BYU

My friend Nate and I were crazy enough to
go over to Rice Eccles Stadium on Saturday morning to get a ticket a piece for the annual Utah vs BYU football game. We both arrived just before 4 am and didn't leave until just after 10 am. It got pretty chilly, but we both figured it was worth it to go to this game our last year of school at the U. It is sure to be an awesome game. Utah is undefeated thus far and BYU has only lost one game to the team that Utah just beat the other day. Go Utes!!!


This was the line behind us.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We had a fun Halloween this last week. We didn't hit up any crazy parties or anything, just spent some time with different family members of ours and took it easy. We visited Melissa's folks and then
went over to my Aunt's house and hung out with them for a couple of hours. I dressed up as the joker from what is probably my favorite movie of this last year, The Dark Knight. Melissa sported her classic nurse outfit. One of these days I'll get her to go a little more crazy with her Halloween costume, but not too crazy. We also purchased a new car a couple of weeks ago. It's a Subaru Legacy sedan. I'm particularly excited since it replaced my old car, so I get to drive it most of the time. School wise, we're both gearing down in the Fall semester. It will be done before we know it and we can take a breather for the Christmas Vacation. Then we'll start our final semester. That's all that stands between us and graduation this coming May. As you might imagine, we're very excited. One more thing then I'm done for now. We got to go up near East Canyon before it got too cold and took a walk on one of the trails up there. It's great to have such beautiful scenery close by to enjoy!